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What To Do: Can't Sleep

Do you ever have those nights when you just can't sleep? Even after trying so many things google tells you to? Well if so, same and it sucks bad. However, I've found a few things along the way that help me nod off to share with you.

Firstly, the one thing that you should NEVER do is keep checking the time. All this does is make you anxious and stressed because your brain is counting down the hours you have until you have to wake up. If you can't fall asleep then you can't fall asleep. It's as simple as that.

If your brain's not stressing about one thing it's stressing about another and that could well be work. We've all done it. Stayed up late to finishing an essay or to study for that big scary test the next day. All of that knowledge is now spinning around the front of your mind which is not helping you sleep at all. Just pop on a calming TV show or something to help you destress and let time flow by with no worries.

You still up?

Ok, well why don't you go make yourself some warm milk, a hot chocolate or perhaps even a honey tea (my personal fave!). Sipping on a warm beverage defo helps me snooooooze.

Many people have told me to read if I can't get to sleep but you know what? That just doesn't work for me, it actually makes me feel more awake! But, if it works for you then go ahead, read all you want. I suggest a blog post of mine! :)

Sleep tight xx

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